Today, our very young children play with devices with more computing power than was available to launch all of the Apollo missions that landed men on the moon. Now, we have billionaires because they made it easy to search the internet for just about any topic we can imagine. Jeff Lyons, founder of the National Association of Programmers, writes in an email, 'When I entered the industry, the internet was a DARPA project and smartphones were not even a concept. Programmers can also rewrite, debug, maintain and test (and retest and retest) software and programs that instruct the computer to accomplish certain tasks, such as storing or retrieving data, so the computer can perform better and more efficiently. The programmer's job entails refining the ideas and solving the problems that arise while converting the program into code. In many cases, a programmer's work will start after a software developer or engineer passes off design specifications for a particular program. Basically, they write directions in C++ and Python or another language, and the computer then follows the programmer's detailed instructions.
So just like a boss tells an employee what to do, a programmer tells a computer what to do.
Computer programmers write the code that allows software programs to run.